Using an article authored by Pastor Wolfmueller entitled “Criteria for Discerning the Usefulness of Praise Songs” ( we listen to a praise song (or other Christian song) and read the lyrics and by asking the 5 diagnostic questions, determine it’s usefulness in the church.

Show #315: It’s Alive! Oh no wait, it’s an institution

In search for a game, Pastors Wofmueller and Goeglein look at some survey questions sent out by the Northwest District of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod to see various ways in which some deny vocation, the holy office and the church. Finally, they crunch the praise song "Let Them See You" by JJ Weeks Band.

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Show #280: Hollywood verses Praise Songs

In Preaching to Hollywood we listen to secular music and find a way to speak the Gospel in light of the song. In the Praise Song Cruncher, we find the level of mysticism in a given praise song. In today’s show, we do both. Preaching to Hollywood songs: “Carry On” by Fun and “Demons” by Imagine Demons. Praise Songs: “Your Grace Finds Me” by Matt Redman and “Build Your Kingdom Here” by Rend Collective.

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