Show #124: Table Talk Radio Down Under
Joined by Rev. Stephen van der Hoek, pastor of a five point parish in Australia, we play Bible Bee and the Australian version of the Casual Apologetics Conversation Game.
The point of Bible Bee is to name the book of the Bible from which a particular quotation comes from. Each round gets progressively harder. First the quotation is 3 verses long, then 1 verse long, then 1 word wrong.
Joined by Rev. Stephen van der Hoek, pastor of a five point parish in Australia, we play Bible Bee and the Australian version of the Casual Apologetics Conversation Game.
Pastor Wolfmueller challenges Pastor Kachelmeier to another round to Bible Bee. Will Pastor Wolfmueller finally prevail over his Bible Bee rival? Listen to find out. Evan and Pastor finish the show by playing 10 Commandments in the News with the Casual Apologetics Conversation Game (CACG) mixed in.
Joined by guest Pastor Carlos Hernandez of LCMS World Relief and Human Care, we have the Mercy Edition of Table Talk Radio. Pastor Hernandez heads off against Pastor Wolfmueller in Bible Bee before talking to us about the work of LCMS World Relief and Human Care.
After responding to listeners, Pastor Wolfmueller is the sole contestant for Bible Bee in the Lord's Supper edition of Table Talk Radio. Pastor and Evan end up by playing "Name that Church Body" by their confession on the Lord's Supper.
Upon listening to Christian Talk Radio, Evan is inspired to take an active role in politics and begins at the local level. After that, we play Bible Bee with a Law/Gospel twist. After that, they play a quick round of 10 commandments in the news.
After responding to our most recent Table Scraps Live on Women's Ordination, we welcome guest Rev. Brian Kachelmeier to go against Pastor Wolfmueller in Bible Bee.
After reminiscing about the good 'ol days (like before Table Talk Radio) we play (by popular demand) Praise Song Cruncher and one lightning round of Bible Bee.
In this edition of Table Talk Radio, Pastor and Evan use the praise song cruncher to analyze two different praise songs. One gets absolutely slaughtered in the cruncher, and the other does quite well. After that they play Bible Bee with the Law-Gospel twist. WARNING: This episode contains 15 extra minutes of Table Talk Radio. It is not for the faint of heart.
For this edition for the Resurrection of our Lord, we play ressurrection themed bible bee and then play 10 commandments in the news and the CACG super game.
This edition of Table Talk Radio, after answering listener emails, we play everyone's favorite supergame: Bible Bee-Law and/or Gospel.