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Table Scraps: Sola Scriptura

There is a handful of Protestant pastors who have left their church bodies and have joined the Roman Catholic Church. Some of them have taken it upon themselves to convince other non-Catholics to also "come home to Rome." The first step in the process is to get the person to question "Sola Scriptura" or "Scripture Alone." But do these Catholic apologists have the proper understanding of Sola Scriptura? Rev. Steven Parks pastor of University Hills Lutheran Church in Denver, CO will join Pastor Wolfmueller in this discussion about Sola Scriptura.

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Show #71: Introduction of the New Website

After promoting the New Website, the Reformation Glee club and Pastor's new book (, we play Law and/or Gospel and also 10 Commandments in the News. What happens when a 17 y/o girl runs away from her Muslim family after converting to Christianity?

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